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We Believe No Pet Should Ever Suffer

We Have 3 Compassionate Arizona State Licensed Veterinarians to help you.
We offer In Home Acupuncture for your pets in addition to Euthanasia and Hospice


Dignity and Compassion for Your Trusted Companion

In-Home Pet Hospice, Euthanasia and Acupuncture

At All About Restful Pets the health, safety, and wellbeing of pets, their parents, our staff, and the community is our number one priority. As the number of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and it’s variants have continued to alter our lives, we feel we must continue to stay vigilant in our health and safety protocols.

As one of Phoenix’s leading acupuncture, hospice and euthanasia practices, we understand the important role our services provide and are committed to continuing our in-home appointments as this health situation begins to subside. Our goal of “no pet should ever suffer” means “EVER”and as such we have expanded our hours and added more veterinarians to better serve you.

In an effort to maintain a safe and healthy environment for clients, pets, and our veterinary team, we are implementing the following procedures at All About Restful Pets (effective immediately -December 2024 ) 

For Our In Home Pet Visits 
Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, or shortness of breath) or who has traveled internationally or to an area in the U.S. with high incidence of COVID-19 in the last 5 days is advised to call us to discuss the situation. Our practice has plans in place to help ensure pets receive the care they need, when they need us, and under any circumstance.   

Additionally in all cases in an effort to keep you safe, our veterinarians can wear a mask, and keep a safe social distancing radius from people in your home, while still providing a compassionate and caring environment.

We sincerely appreciate the trust you have placed in All About Restful Pets during this time.

Compassionate Home Service for Pets

It goes without saying that pets can be some of our best friends. They are an integral part of our lives, and it can be difficult to imagine your life without them. Having to cope with end of life decisions for your animal companion can be emotionally trying and often causes uncertainty navigating how to best handle your pet’s end-of-life experience. At All About Restful Pets, we specialize in providing in-home comfort, acupuncture, hospice, and euthanasia services for your pet, allowing you to make the best decisions possible for your pet. Take a few moments to browse through our website to see how we can help you and your pet during this difficult time.

Pet Hospice Care
In-Home Pet Acupuncture
In-Home Pet Euthanasia

Why us?

At All About Restful Pets, our aim is to provide you and your beloved animal with a comfortable, compassionate, loving and stress-free environment during their final days. We have many years of experience when it comes to providing palliative care and euthanasia services for animals, and we do it all with kindness and understanding.

We are also skilled at identifying the signs you may not notice that signify your companion is suffering, such as physical, physiological and behavioral signs. Together with you, we can determine the best course of action for you and your pet.

Please view our combined 632 google 5 star reviews, on google maps.

Our Mobile Services

We offer three different options for in home services at All About Restful Pets, each of which are available throughout the entire Valley, in the comfort of your home.

  • Pet Hospice Care: There comes a point when treatment options no longer can cure your pet, and it becomes time to focus on providing the maximum amount of time and comfort for your pet. We will compassionately help your pet through pain management, and mobility support, to ensure that you and your pet spend your days as comfortably as possible.
  • Mobile Pet Euthanasia: At a certain stage, you may have no other option, it is understandably a difficult decision. In-home euthanasia allows your pet to feel safe, be around their people, be in a familiar environment, and eliminate a car ride of going to the Veterinarians office. The entire process will be done with dignity, respect, and with no discomfort to your pet.
  • After-Life Care: Once your pet has passed peacefully, we can handle all after-life care arrangements for you, so you can take care of yourself and your loved ones as you grieve. There are many different options available to help memorialize your pet.
  • Veterinary Acupuncture: We are proud to offer veterinary acupuncture as another service here at All About Restful Pets. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of conditions commonly seen in veterinary medicine. Regular acupuncture treatments can maintain the quality of life for many of our clients pets.

How Can We Help?

Click here to schedule an appointment:

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