In-Home Pet Hospice and Euthanasia Services
We know you want to do what’s best for your pet to ensure they have the best quality of life possible and they are safe and comfortable. However, there may come a time when treatments are no longer working. When this situation arises, All About Restful Pets will help you make the best possible decision for both you and your pet.
If treatment itself is no longer an option, we can transition your pet into palliative care, where the emphasis is on comfort. This will allow your pet to live as fully as possible for as long as possible. This also lets you begin to prepare for your pet’s passing. Pet hospice care can include; medication for pain management, wound care, antibiotic treatment, mobility support, and even mental stimulation. We will consult with you on adjusting your pet’s home environment if necessary.
When the time comes, we will guide you through the difficult process of peacefully having your pet pass away. We will answer any and all questions you may have and go through the entire procedure with you. We provide various after-life care services, including various cremation options, keepsake items, transportation and handling, and referrals for grief consulting.
In-Home Consultations
We will come to your home and conduct a comprehensive consultation together with you and your pet. We will review their medical history, current and past issues, and any other significant factors. Afterward, we will go over the best options for you and your trusted companion.
Our Staff
We have a team of trained and experienced veterinarians who will provide the best suggestions, medications, and chart a plan of action to help maintain your pet’s quality of life with dignity. Of course, no one knows your pet like you do: You and your pet have spent years together—through the best and worst of times. Your knowledge of your dear friend combined with our years of experience will allow us to work together to develop the best course of action for them, no matter how difficult it may be. We promise to help you make the most loving, caring and compassionate decision possible, we will be there to guide you through every step of the process.